
Welcome to the Irish Peatland Conservation Council (IPCC)

Our mission is to protect a representative sample of peatlands of Ireland for people to enjoy today and into the future. 

We hope our website will help you to get to know us better. It’s your gateway to the save the bogs campaign and to visitors to the Bog of Allen Nature Centre. The IPCC is a registered charity (Revenue Number CHY6829 and Charities Regulator Number 20013547) and a non-governmental organisation. With six nature reserves and the Bog of Allen Nature Centre, we are actively involved in restoring peatland habitats, protecting wildlife, and educating the public. Learn about why our peatlands are so important and discover how you can help in their preservation.

Visitor Attraction- Education and Fun Days


Learn About The Save The Bogs Campaign

Read the latest edition of Action for Bogs for some summer updates on the work of IPCC

Irelands Peatland Conservation Plan

Take a look at the Peatlands and Climate Change Action Plan 2030. 

Join the Hop to It Frog Survey- report sightings 

See the updated frog map and information about the frog survey here

Watch IPCCs video dispelling the myths about turf cutting. 

Our Supporters

In 2024 updates to www.ipcc.ie were supported by the Peatlands and Natura Community Engagement Scheme operated by the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

In 2024 the work of the Irish Peatland Conservation Council is supported by the Heritage Council through their Heritage Organisational Support Fund. 

The work of the Irish Peatland Conservation Council is supported by the Irish Environmental Network.


The Irish Peatland Conservation Council support; 

The IPCC promotes the safety and well-being of all children with whom we are in contact. Please refer to our IPCC Child Protection Statement and Policy

Governance Code Statement of Compliance. IPCC confirm that our organisation complies with The Governance Code for the Community, Voluntary and Charitable Sector in Ireland (9th May 2017).

Privacy Policy and Data Protection Statement

Donor Charter